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Phone Verification Bonus

Verify your phone and receive a $25 CASH bonus.

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Select Account Options > Phone Verification.
  3. Submit valid phone number, enter code received by SMS and receive your instant cash bonus.

*The bonus is available once per phone number. It is generated and assigned to you by entering a code received by SMS.

*Cash bonus is credited to your equity and can be used for trade. To redeem it, you are required to reach 300 XPoints within 30 days.

Every instrument gives different XPoints (trader points) per amount traded.

Pronto para negociar?

Comece a usar sua conta Xtrade hoje mesmo

O trading de CFDs envolve um risco significativo de perda. A negociação de FX/CFDs envolve um nível de risco elevado e você pode perder todo seu capital investido. Por favor certifique-se que compreende os riscos envolvidos.