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Cash Back Bonus

Xtrade recognizes dedication and persistence.

As a valued client, you can earn "mileage points", from your trading volume.

The Cash Back bonus is eligible for all fervent Premium Account traders who manage to exceed prescribed trading volumes within a month.

  • It is simple! Become a premium account holder if you are not one already.
  • Generate a trading volume of 1 million (1,000,000).
  • Get reward with $10 or more, upon successfully, completing the trading volume.

Ready to start trading?

Get started with your Xtrade account today

Trgovanje CFD-ovima uključuje značajan rizik od gubitka. Trgovanje Forexom/CFD-ovima podrazumeva velik rizik; stoga postoji mogućnost da izgubite sav uloženi kapital. Molimo vas da osigurate da razumete rizike.